Dysfunkcja komórek β wysepek trzustkowych charakteryzuje się wadliwym wydzielaniem insuliny stymulowanym glukozą (GSIS) i jest dominującym składnikiem patofizjologii cukrzycy. Imeglimin, nowatorski, pierwszy w klasie kandydat na lek drobnocząsteczkowy tetrahydrotriazyna, poprawia glikemię i GSIS w modelach przedklinicznych i badaniach klinicznych u pacjentów z cukrzycą typu 2; jednak mechanizm przywracania funkcji komórek beta jest nieznany. Tutaj pokazujemy, że imeglamina ostro i bezpośrednio wzmacnia GSIS w wysepkach izolowanych od gryzoni z cukrzycą typu 2 poprzez sposób działania, który różni się od innych znanych podejść terapeutycznych.
Podstawowy mechanizm obejmuje zwiększenie puli komórkowego dinukleotydu nikotynamidoadeninowego (NAD +) – potencjalnie poprzez szlak ratunkowy i indukcję fosforybozylotransferazy nikotynamidowej (NAMPT) wraz ze wzrostem poziomów ATP indukowanych przez glukozę.
Ponadto dodatkowe wyniki sugerują, że konwersja NAD + do drugiego przekaźnika, cyklicznej rybozy ADP (cADPR), poprzez cyklazę rybozylową / hydrolazę ADP / cADPR (CD38) jest wymagana do działania imegliminy na wysepkach, co stanowi potencjalny związek między zwiększonym NAD + i zwiększoną glukozą wywołała mobilizację Ca2 +, która z kolei, jak wiadomo, napędza egzocytozę granulek insuliny. Podsumowując, odkrycia te wskazują na nowy sposób działania imegliminy, który wyjaśnia jej zdolność do skutecznego przywracania funkcji komórek beta i zapewnia nowe podejście do leczenia pacjentów cierpiących na cukrzycę typu 2.
Ubezpieczenie i korzystanie z opieki zdrowotnej wśród dzieci chorych na cukrzycę
Ubezpieczenie zdrowotne może być związane z leczeniem cukrzycy u dzieci (DM). Nie wiadomo jednak, w jaki sposób ciągłość ochrony ubezpieczeniowej wiąże się z wynikami korzystania z opieki zdrowotnej w przypadku cukrzycy u dzieci. Skorzystaliśmy z ogólnokrajowego badania zdrowia dzieci 2016-2019, aby zbadać, jak przerwanie ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego może wpłynąć na korzystanie z opieki zdrowotnej wśród dzieci z DM. Analizą objęto dzieci w wieku 0-17 lat z DM. Wyniki obejmowały wizyty na oddziałach ratunkowych, wizyty u specjalistów i niezaspokojone potrzeby w zakresie opieki zdrowotnej w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy.
Ochrona ubezpieczeniowa została sklasyfikowana jako ciągła prywatna, ciągła publiczna lub nieciągła (w tym przerwy w ochronie i całoroczny brak ochrony). Na podstawie próby 548 dzieci 56% miało ciągłe ubezpieczenie prywatne, w porównaniu do 32% z ciągłym ubezpieczeniem publicznym i 12% z nieciągłym ubezpieczeniem. Trzydzieści pięć procent dzieci odwiedziło oddział ratunkowy w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy, a tylko 47% odwiedziło jakiegokolwiek specjalistę w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy, w tym między innymi endokrynologa dziecięcego.
Szacuje się, że 19% dzieci miało niezaspokojone potrzeby zdrowotne w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy. W analizie wieloczynnikowej dzieci z lukami w pokryciu były istotnie rzadziej niż dzieci z ciągłym prywatnym zasięgiem wizyt u specjalisty w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy (skorygowany iloraz szans: 0,27; 95% CI: 0,08; 0,88; p = 0,030). Niniejsze badanie wskazuje na potrzebę ustanowienia i prowadzenia specjalistycznej opieki kontrolnej dla dzieci z DM, zwłaszcza ze środowisk defaworyzowanych społeczno-ekonomicznie. Ten artykuł jest chroniony prawem autorskim. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.
Wyłaniające się role inhibitorów dipeptydylopeptydazy-4 w opóźnianiu progresji cukrzycy typu 1
Cukrzyca typu 1 (T1DM) jest wynikiem zniszczenia funkcjonalnych komórek β trzustki za pośrednictwem komórek odpornościowych. W okresie przedobjawowym T1DM charakteryzuje się obecnością dwóch lub więcej autoprzeciwciał przeciwko komórkom wysp trzustkowych u pacjentów bez dekompensacji glikemii. Strategie terapeutyczne, które mogą modyfikować proces autoimmunologiczny, mogą spowolnić postęp T1DM.
Peptydaza dipeptydylowa-4 (DPP-4) lub CD26, wielofunkcyjna proteaza serynowa o podwójnej funkcji (proteaza regulatorowa i białko wiążące), może modulować stan zapalny i niszczenie komórek beta za pośrednictwem komórek odpornościowych. CD26 bierze udział w kostymulacji limfocytów T, migracji, rozwoju pamięci, dojrzewaniu grasicy i wzorcach emigracji. DPP-4 degraduje hormony peptydowe GLP-1 i GIP. Oprócz regulacji metabolizmu glukozy DPP-4 wywiera działanie przeciwapoptotyczne, regeneracyjne i proliferacyjne, promując ekspansję masy komórek β.
Sygnalizacja receptora GLP-1 może regulować proliferację mysich limfocytów i utrzymanie obwodowych regulatorowych komórek T. U pacjentów z T1DM aktywność DPP-4 w surowicy jest podwyższona. Kilka badań sugeruje, że podwyższona aktywność DPP-4 jest skorelowana z patofizjologią T1DM. DPP-4, który jest preferencyjnie wyrażany na powierzchni Th1, może promować polaryzację odporności Th1, która jest warunkiem wstępnym rozwoju T1DM.
Hamowanie CD26 może hamować proliferację limfocytów T i produkcję cytokin Th1 oraz stymulować wydzielanie czynnika wzrostu guza beta-1 (TGF-β1), który odgrywa ważną rolę w regulacji autoimmunizacji w T1DM. Badania na ludziach lub modelach zwierzęcych T1DM sugerują, że inhibitory DPP-4 mogą poprawiać funkcję komórek beta i osłabiać autoimmunizację, a także zmniejszać zależność od insuliny. W niniejszym przeglądzie podsumowano pojawiające się role inhibitorów DPP-4 w potencjalnym opóźnianiu progresji T1DM.
Korelacje kwasu sialowego z hemoglobiną glikowaną A1c i glikemią u kobiet po menopauzie z cukrzycą typu 2
U kobiet w okresie pomenopauzalnym związane z wiekiem zmiany stanu hormonalnego wiążą się z większym ryzykiem cukrzycy typu 2 i jej powikłań. Uszkodzenie tkanki spowodowane powikłaniami naczyniowymi spowodowanymi cukrzycą może wywołać uwalnianie kwasu sialowego (SA) do ogólnego krążenia, prowadząc do zwiększenia jego stężenia.
Niniejsze badanie jest przekrojowym, jednoośrodkowym badaniem 77 kobiet w okresie pomenopauzalnym. Osoby wybrane do badania podzielono na dwie grupy: i) grupę kontrolną, w skład której wchodziły kobiety po menopauzie bez cukrzycy typu 2 (n = 27); oraz ii) grupę kobiet po menopauzie z rozpoznaniem cukrzycy typu 2 (n = 50).
Rat Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7225257-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 690 |
Rat Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS285713-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 6255 |
Rat Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS285713-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 445 |
Rat Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS285713-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3290 |
Rat Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS285713-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 730 |
Pig Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E07C1812-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Pig Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E07C1812-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Pig Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E07C1812-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Dog Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E08C1812-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Canine Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Dog Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E08C1812-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Canine Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Dog Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E08C1812-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Canine Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Goat Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E06C1812-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Goat Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Goat Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E06C1812-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Goat Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Goat Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E06C1812-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Goat Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Goat Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E01A46965 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Human Clarin 1 (CLRN1)ELISA Kit |
201-12-2899 |
Shanghai Sunred Biological Technology |
96 tests |
EUR 528 |
Description: A quantitative ELISA kit for measuring Human in samples from biological fluids. |
Human Clarin 1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7231950-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 5685 |
Human Clarin 1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7231950-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 485 |
Human Clarin 1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7231950-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3020 |
Human Clarin 1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7231950-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 690 |
Human Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E01A3292 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Mouse Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E03C1812-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Mouse Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Mouse Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E03C1812-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Mouse Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Mouse Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E03C1812-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Mouse Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Human Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E01C1812-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Human Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Human Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E01C1812-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Human Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Human Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E01C1812-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Human Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Mouse Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E01A20794 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Sheep Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E01A99259 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Human Clarin 1,CLRN1 ELISA KIT |
JOT-EK2898Hu |
Jotbody |
96 wells |
Ask for price |
Description: Human |
Human Clarin 1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS164441-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3460 |
Human Clarin 1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS164441-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 285 |
Human Clarin 1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS164441-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 1750 |
Human Clarin 1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS164441-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 425 |
Human Clarin 1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS9303814-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 6725 |
Human Clarin 1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS9303814-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 550 |
Human Clarin 1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS9303814-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3420 |
Human Clarin 1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS9303814-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 765 |
Monkey Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E09C1812-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Monkey Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Monkey Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E09C1812-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Monkey Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Monkey Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E09C1812-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Monkey Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Rabbit Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E01A29532 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Canine Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E01A64397 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Bovine Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E01A81830 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Monkey Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E01A73111 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Rabbit Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E04C1812-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rabbit Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Rabbit Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E04C1812-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rabbit Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Rabbit Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E04C1812-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rabbit Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Goat Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7235421-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 5685 |
Goat Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7235421-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 485 |
Goat Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7235421-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3020 |
Goat Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7235421-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 690 |
Porcine Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E01A55682 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Chicken Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E01A90553 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Human Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
abx507384-96tests |
Abbexa |
96 tests |
EUR 687.5 |
Mouse Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
abx507385-96tests |
Abbexa |
96 tests |
EUR 687.5 |
Sheep Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7238668-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 5685 |
Sheep Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7238668-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 485 |
Sheep Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7238668-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3020 |
Sheep Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7238668-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 690 |
Mouse Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7221958-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 5685 |
Mouse Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7221958-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 485 |
Mouse Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7221958-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3020 |
Mouse Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7221958-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 690 |
Canine Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7204641-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 5685 |
Canine Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7204641-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 485 |
Canine Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7204641-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3020 |
Canine Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7204641-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 690 |
Bovine Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7244096-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 5685 |
Bovine Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7244096-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 485 |
Bovine Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7244096-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3020 |
Bovine Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7244096-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 690 |
Rabbit Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7244180-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 5685 |
Rabbit Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7244180-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 485 |
Rabbit Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7244180-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3020 |
Rabbit Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7244180-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 690 |
Monkey Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7247455-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 5685 |
Monkey Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7247455-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 485 |
Monkey Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7247455-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3020 |
Monkey Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7247455-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 690 |
Porcine Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7209748-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 5685 |
Porcine Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7209748-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 485 |
Porcine Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7209748-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3020 |
Porcine Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7209748-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 690 |
Chicken Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7200199-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 5685 |
Chicken Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7200199-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 485 |
Chicken Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7200199-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3020 |
Chicken Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7200199-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 690 |
Guinea pig Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E05C1812-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Guinea pig Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Guinea pig Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E05C1812-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Guinea pig Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Guinea pig Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E05C1812-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Guinea pig Clarin 1(CLRN1) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Guinea Pig Clarin 1(CLRN1) ELISA kit |
E01A38247 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Guinea pig Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7208659-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 5685 |
Guinea pig Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7208659-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 485 |
Guinea pig Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7208659-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3020 |
Guinea pig Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit |
MBS7208659-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 690 |
Recombinant Rat Clarin-1 (Clrn1) |
MBS7011657-002mg |
MyBiosource |
0.02mg |
EUR 1525 |
Recombinant Rat Clarin-1 (Clrn1) |
MBS7011657-01mg |
MyBiosource |
0.1mg |
EUR 2485 |
Recombinant Rat Clarin-1 (Clrn1) |
MBS7011657-5x01mg |
MyBiosource |
5x0.1mg |
EUR 11145 |
Human Clarin 1, CLRN1 GENLISA ELISA |
KBH2898 |
Krishgen |
1 x 96 wells |
EUR 286 |
Recombinant Rat Clarin-1 (Clrn1), partial |
MBS7092896-INQUIRE |
MyBiosource |
Ask for price |
Recombinant Human Clarin-1 (CLRN1) |
MBS7011655-002mg |
MyBiosource |
0.02mg |
EUR 1525 |
Recombinant Human Clarin-1 (CLRN1) |
MBS7011655-01mg |
MyBiosource |
0.1mg |
EUR 2485 |
Recombinant Human Clarin-1 (CLRN1) |
MBS7011655-5x01mg |
MyBiosource |
5x0.1mg |
EUR 11145 |
Recombinant Mouse Clarin-1 (Clrn1) |
MBS7011656-002mg |
MyBiosource |
0.02mg |
EUR 1525 |
Recombinant Mouse Clarin-1 (Clrn1) |
MBS7011656-01mg |
MyBiosource |
0.1mg |
EUR 2485 |
Recombinant Mouse Clarin-1 (Clrn1) |
MBS7011656-5x01mg |
MyBiosource |
5x0.1mg |
EUR 11145 |
Lenti ORF clone of Clrn1 (mGFP-tagged ORF) - Rat clarin 1 (Clrn1), (10 ug) |
RR213201L4 |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
10 µg |
Ask for price |
Rat Clarin 3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit |
abx507390-96tests |
Abbexa |
96 tests |
EUR 687.5 |
Rat Clarin 2(CLRN2) ELISA kit |
E01A12054 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Rat Clarin 3(CLRN3) ELISA kit |
E01A12055 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Rat Clarin 2(CLRN2) ELISA kit |
E02C1813-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rat Clarin 2(CLRN2) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Rat Clarin 2(CLRN2) ELISA kit |
E02C1813-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rat Clarin 2(CLRN2) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Rat Clarin 2(CLRN2) ELISA kit |
E02C1813-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rat Clarin 2(CLRN2) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Rat Clarin 3(CLRN3) ELISA kit |
E02C1814-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rat Clarin 3(CLRN3) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Rat Clarin 3(CLRN3) ELISA kit |
E02C1814-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rat Clarin 3(CLRN3) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Rat Clarin 3(CLRN3) ELISA kit |
E02C1814-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rat Clarin 3(CLRN3) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Rat Clarin 3(CLRN3)ELISA Kit |
GA-E0891RT-48Tests |
GenAsia Biotech |
48 Tests |
Ask for price |
Rat Clarin 3(CLRN3)ELISA Kit |
GA-E0891RT-96Tests |
GenAsia Biotech |
96 Tests |
EUR 460 |
Rat Clarin 3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9312693-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 6725 |
Rat Clarin 3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9312693-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 550 |
Rat Clarin 3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9312693-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3420 |
Rat Clarin 3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9312693-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 765 |
Clrn1 (untagged) - Mouse clarin 1 (Clrn1), transcript variant 1, (10ug) |
MC212849 |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
10 µg |
Ask for price |
Rat Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit |
MBS7237014-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 5685 |
Rat Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit |
MBS7237014-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 485 |
Rat Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit |
MBS7237014-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3020 |
Rat Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit |
MBS7237014-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 690 |
Rat Clarin-2 (CLRN2) ELISA Kit |
MBS7232041-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 5685 |
Rat Clarin-2 (CLRN2) ELISA Kit |
MBS7232041-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 485 |
Rat Clarin-2 (CLRN2) ELISA Kit |
MBS7232041-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3020 |
Rat Clarin-2 (CLRN2) ELISA Kit |
MBS7232041-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 690 |
Rat Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit |
MBS283999-10x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
10x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 6255 |
Rat Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit |
MBS283999-48StripWells |
MyBiosource |
48-Strip-Wells |
EUR 445 |
Rat Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit |
MBS283999-5x96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
5x96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 3290 |
Rat Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit |
MBS283999-96StripWells |
MyBiosource |
96-Strip-Wells |
EUR 730 |
Clrn1 (untagged) - Mouse clarin 1 (Clrn1), transcript variant 3, (10ug) |
MC212850 |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
10 µg |
Ask for price |
Clrn1 (untagged) - Mouse clarin 1 (Clrn1), transcript variant 2, (10ug) |
MC212851 |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
10 µg |
Ask for price |
Lenti ORF clone of Clrn1 (Myc-DDK-tagged ORF) - Rat clarin 1 (Clrn1), (10 ug) |
RR213201L3 |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
10 µg |
Ask for price |
Recombinant Mouse Clarin-1 (Clrn1), partial |
MBS7093000-INQUIRE |
MyBiosource |
Ask for price |
Recombinant Human Clarin-1 (CLRN1), partial |
MBS952243-005mgEColi |
MyBiosource |
0.05mg(E-Coli) |
EUR 750 |
Recombinant Human Clarin-1 (CLRN1), partial |
MBS952243-02mgYeast |
MyBiosource |
0.2mg(Yeast) |
EUR 1005 |
Recombinant Human Clarin-1 (CLRN1), partial |
MBS952243-05mgYeast |
MyBiosource |
0.5mg(Yeast) |
EUR 1130 |
Recombinant Human Clarin-1 (CLRN1), partial |
MBS952243-1mgYeast |
MyBiosource |
1mg(Yeast) |
EUR 1650 |
Clrn1 (GFP-tagged) - Mouse clarin 1 (Clrn1) transcript variant 1, (10ug) |
MG217495 |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
10 µg |
Ask for price |
Lenti ORF particles, Clrn1 (GFP-tagged ORF) - Rat clarin 1 (Clrn1), 200ul, >10^7 TU/mL |
RR213201L4V |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
200 µl |
Ask for price |
Clrn1 (GFP-tagged) - Mouse clarin 1 (Clrn1) transcript variant 3, (10ug) |
MG215940 |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
10 µg |
Ask for price |
Clrn1 (GFP-tagged) - Mouse clarin 1 (Clrn1) transcript variant 2, (10ug) |
MG218728 |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
10 µg |
Ask for price |
Lenti ORF particles, Clrn1 (Myc-DDK-tagged ORF) - Rat clarin 1 (Clrn1), 200ul, >10^7 TU/mL |
RR213201L3V |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
200 µl |
Ask for price |
Lenti ORF clone of Clrn1 (mGFP-tagged) - Mouse clarin 1 (Clrn1), transcript variant 1 |
MR217495L4 |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
10 µg |
Ask for price |
Pig Clarin 2(CLRN2) ELISA kit |
E07C1813-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine Clarin 2(CLRN2) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Pig Clarin 2(CLRN2) ELISA kit |
E07C1813-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine Clarin 2(CLRN2) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Pig Clarin 2(CLRN2) ELISA kit |
E07C1813-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine Clarin 2(CLRN2) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Pig Clarin 3(CLRN3) ELISA kit |
E07C1814-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine Clarin 3(CLRN3) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Pig Clarin 3(CLRN3) ELISA kit |
E07C1814-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine Clarin 3(CLRN3) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Pig Clarin 3(CLRN3) ELISA kit |
E07C1814-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine Clarin 3(CLRN3) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Dog Clarin 2(CLRN2) ELISA kit |
E08C1813-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Canine Clarin 2(CLRN2) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Dog Clarin 2(CLRN2) ELISA kit |
E08C1813-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Canine Clarin 2(CLRN2) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Dog Clarin 2(CLRN2) ELISA kit |
E08C1813-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Canine Clarin 2(CLRN2) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Dog Clarin 3(CLRN3) ELISA kit |
E08C1814-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Canine Clarin 3(CLRN3) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Dog Clarin 3(CLRN3) ELISA kit |
E08C1814-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Canine Clarin 3(CLRN3) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Dog Clarin 3(CLRN3) ELISA kit |
E08C1814-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Canine Clarin 3(CLRN3) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Lenti ORF clone of Clrn1 (mGFP-tagged) - Mouse clarin 1 (Clrn1), transcript variant 3 |
MR215940L4 |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
10 µg |
Ask for price |
Lenti ORF clone of Clrn1 (mGFP-tagged) - Mouse clarin 1 (Clrn1), transcript variant 2 |
MR218728L4 |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
10 µg |
Ask for price |
Lenti ORF clone of Clrn1 (Myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse clarin 1 (Clrn1), transcript variant 1 |
MR217495L3 |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
10 µg |
Ask for price |
Goat Clarin 2(CLRN2) ELISA kit |
E06C1813-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Goat Clarin 2(CLRN2) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Goat Clarin 2(CLRN2) ELISA kit |
E06C1813-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Goat Clarin 2(CLRN2) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Goat Clarin 2(CLRN2) ELISA kit |
E06C1813-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Goat Clarin 2(CLRN2) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Goat Clarin 3(CLRN3) ELISA kit |
E06C1814-192T |
BlueGene |
192 tests |
EUR 1524 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Goat Clarin 3(CLRN3) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Goat Clarin 3(CLRN3) ELISA kit |
E06C1814-48 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 48 wells |
EUR 624 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Goat Clarin 3(CLRN3) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Goat Clarin 3(CLRN3) ELISA kit |
E06C1814-96 |
BlueGene |
1 plate of 96 wells |
EUR 822 |
Description: A sandwich ELISA for quantitative measurement of Goat Clarin 3(CLRN3) in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species. |
Goat Clarin 2(CLRN2) ELISA kit |
E01A46966 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Goat Clarin 3(CLRN3) ELISA kit |
E01A46967 |
BlueGene |
96T |
EUR 700 |
Description: ELISA |
Lenti-ORF clone of CLRN1 (mGFP-tagged)-Human clarin 1 (CLRN1), transcript variant 5 |
RC231092L4 |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
10 µg |
Ask for price |
Lenti-ORF clone of CLRN1 (mGFP-tagged)-Human clarin 1 (CLRN1), transcript variant 4 |
RC218363L4 |
Origene Technologies GmbH |
10 µg |
Ask for price |
Analizując korelację wartości SA w surowicy z glikemią i hemoglobiną glikowaną u chorych na cukrzycę, stwierdzono, że oba parametry wykazywały silną dodatnią korelację (P <0,0001) w grupie chorych na cukrzycę typu 2. Dlatego SA można uznać za potencjalny marker do badań przesiewowych, diagnostyki lub prognozowania cukrzycy typu 2 u kobiet po menopauzie.
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